We believe its just as important to give as it is to receive.
Community Money Mentors
Community is more than just your local groups, it’s a coming togetherness of fellow humans who are in need of an extra hand.

Empowering Communities through Financial Wellbeing achieve Financial Independence

Community Money Mentors provides an educational platform in which children or other community groups can learn the fundamentals of money in a safe and trusting environment.

Teaching people from a young age sound money management helps them navigate through life easier and helps to avoid making financial mistakes that lead to lifelong money struggles.

We envisage to equip kids to enter adulthood with knowledge and skills to manage money effectively. Without it, the financial decisions and actions that they may take or don’t take can impact their life, and our goal is to make sure it impacts them for the better!

With a sound financial education, it helps people become self-sufficient. Save money. Distinguish between their own wants and needs. Allows them the independence to pay their own bills. Buy a home. Pay for their adult education, live a wonderful life and earn their retirement.

We don’t expect our mentees to become guru’s, we just want them to understand the fundamentals of money so they are more confident money handling citizens.

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Learn more information about our services

CMM transforms communities from being Financially Vulnerable to Financially Confident.

When a community thrives, we all thrive.

Improving financial outcomes for every Australian

How We Deliver Services

Sometimes its not about what we are mentoring about that is effective, it is how we deliver it!

About Us

‍Our mission at Community Money Mentors is to help people take control of their money by providing education and custom-tailored solutions to implement today for tomorrow's success.

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